Born in Roses and with a degree in architecture, Claudia Schneider studied music at the Acadèmia Marshall and singing with Montserrat Aparici.

She extended her musical studies in Italy and completed her Lied training with Maestro Dalton Baldwin.

She won the Noves Veus competition of the Òpera de Cambra de Catalunya.

She regularly performs at the Teatre Liceu in Barcelona (D.Q. Don Quijote in Barcelona (2000-01), Manon, Death in Venice and Elektra (2007-08), Simon Boccanegra (2008-09), Pikovaya Dama and El jugador (2009-10), Cavalleria rusticana, etc.)

Since 2000 she has worked closely with the pianist and composer Carles Santos, with whom she has performed in different shows around the world (Ricardo y Elena and L’adéu by Lucrècia Borja, Lisístrata, Sama Samaruck Suck Suck, El compositor, la cantant, el cuiner i la pecadora, La meua filla sóc jo, El fervor de la perseverança and Chicha Montenegro Gallery, etc.).

She has also worked with Calixte Bieito in his adaptation of “El gran teatro del mundo” by Calderón de la Barca.

She has an extensive and varied repertoire.

She particularly enjoys contemporary music and making first performances of new contemporary authors.